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Huiling Charity Jogging Activity   [  2008/09/20  ] Back

Jianye Textile's Participation in Huiling Charity Jogging Activity
-Promote Olympics, Boost Paralympics (May 17th, 2008)        

       For a long time, Jianye Textile always has an active interest in public welfare and charitable activities. May 17th, we participated in the "Fifth Huiling Charity Jogging Activity" held in Guangzhou Oriental Resort. A total number of 600 people took part in the activity and organizers hope to use the mankind's oldest way of physical exercise to appeal to the public to care for people with intellectual disabilities and take concrete practical actions to dedicate their love and offer a token to 2008 Beijing Olympics.
      The activity is divided into four steps: 
      First of all, Italian Consul General in Guangzhou as the founder of Huiling addressed a speech to thank all the units and individuals that participated in the charitable activity and invited the representatives of some of the sponsors to give a speech.
      It was followed by wonderful performances, including performances by the children with disabilities as well as speciality shows by other units and individuals. The performance on the stage was a little confusing although, yet won the audience's most enthusiastic applause.    
       In the third step, the organizer organized the people who participated in the activity to jog around the lake and selected the group first, second and third ranks to award jogging group first, second and third cups.

       Finally, the organizer summed up this activity and once again thanked the participating units and individuals.

       We has participated in Huiling charity activities for several continuous years. This time, through jogging, our staff would cherish and love life more and we got more confidence in the support of welfare and charity. 

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